Our emphasis is on worship, welcoming, and fellowship. We are known for our spirit-filled liturgies and welcoming atmosphere. Everyone is invited to sing and fully participate at Mass.
We emphasize that the weekend Mass is the central time of learning and faith formation for both adults and children. At Mass we learn from scripture readings, homilies, prayers, and rituals. We are nourished by the Eucharist, and grow as the Body of Christ.
Mass is a time of spiritual transformation that affects our entire lives. We take to heart being sent forth to love and serve the Lord in our families, workplaces, schools and wherever we find ourselves. We are also sent forth to take part in a number of parish sponsored social justice activities in which we bring Christ to the world.
We always seek new members in the following liturgical ministries: greeter, usher, altar server, lector, Eucharistic minister, sacristan. To join one of these ministries, contact the liturgical coordinator.