Welcome to the Baptism Preparation Program of St. John XXIII. If you're an adult looking to be baptized into the Catholic Church through RCIA, please follow this link.
The parishioners of St. John XXIII Catholic Church feel blessed for the opportunity to journey with you as you prepare for your child’s Baptism. If this is your first experience in a Baptism Preparation Program, we hope and pray that this journey of faith and the celebration of your child’s Baptism will be a great experience and a true spiritual encounter for you and your family. If you've gone through a similar program, we hope that you will share with us some of your wisdom and insights, ask engaging questions, and use this time to renew and refresh what may have been forgotten. We look forward to sharing faith with you, and together renew and rekindle our friendship with Christ and His Church for the salvation of the world and the glory of God.
The Baptism Preparation Program involves one class that is held on the second Sunday of each month from 3 - 5 pm. Please call the parish office to sign up for Baptism class: (319) 846-3139. We know you're busy taking care of God’s precious gift to your family and we respect your time. Please take time to read through the frequently asked questions (FAQs). This will help you better prepare for this important session.