Calendar & Events

Check here for upcoming events at St. John XXIII. 

Scroll down or select this button for the daily and monthly parish calendar.

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Featured Events

We will pray the Stations of the Cross every Friday during Lent beginning March 7th through April 11th at 5:30 pm. Stay for a warm soup supper immediately following, with the exception of April 4th. There will not be a soup supper offered that evening.

Join us for a night of Trivia and fun on Saturday, March 29th at 6 pm. Start gathering your team of eight. You can register yourself, family and friends. All are welcome to play. Cost is $20 person. Anyone age 16 and up is eligible to play Click on the button below to sign-up or call the parish office. This is an alcohol free event.

Trivia Registration

Are You a Euchre Player? Join us for a night of fun and Euchre on Saturday, April 5th from 6-8 pm. Come early to support the

  Knights of Columbus Burrito Sale starting at 5 pm. Registration is open. Anyone 18 years of age or older is eligible to play. Cost is $5 per person.

 All proceeds will  be used to support the Knights Dollars for Scholars Program. This is an alcohol free event. Click the button below to sign-up.

Euchre Registration

For details on happenings at St. John XXIII, check out our current bulletin.

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