Adult faith formation is “essential to who we are and what we do as Church” and must be “situated not at the periphery of the Church’s educational mission but at its center.”
Their formation in faith is essential for the Church to carry out its mandate to proclaim the Good news of Jesus to the world.” (Our Hearts Were Burning Within Us: 39, 42)
Many adult faith formation opportunities are offered at St. John XXIII:
Men of Action- Men's faith sharing group meets Tuesdays at 6:30 am and 6 pm
Women's Scripture Sharing- Read and discuss upcoming Sunday Readings, Thursdays from 1-2:30 pm
St. Monica's Hope-A prayer group interceding for family and friends who are not actively practicing their faith. All are welcome. Third Monday of the month from 12:15 - 1:15 pm
For more information on any of these opportunities, check the parish calendar or contact theparishoffice.
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