Religious Education Program

Helping our Children Grow in Faith

Children are like sponges, they absorb what they observe and experience. That's why all parents are encouraged to enroll their children in religious education. St. John XXIII has a family-based religious education program where we emphasize that the central time of learning for both adults and children is at weekend Mass. At Mass we learn from scripture readings, homilies, prayers and rituals. We are nourished by the Eucharist and become a member of the Body of Christ.

In addition to learning from Mass, children will receive religious education in classes offered by the parish as well as from lessons completed at home. Parents are invited to teach or help with these classes.

Registration begins July 1st, 2024

Classes begin in September and go through April. The registration fee is $90 per child. Online registration will begin July 1st, 2024. Click the button below for online registration.

RE Registration

Kindergarten-1st Grade

Children learn at home and go to Mass on Saturday or Sunday. Children's Liturgy of the Word is offered during the 8 am Mass on the 2nd Sunday of each month. Students are encouraged to attend. Parents teach prayers, Bible stories and morals.

2nd Grade- First Reconciliation and First Eucharist

Children meet one to two times per month on Sunday afternoons from 4-5:15. Students also have lessons they complete at home with their parents. Catholic school children are required to register for religious education classes during second grade as all children in the Diocese prepare and celebrate sacraments with their parish.

3rd-5th Grades 

Meet twice per month on Wednesday evenings. Students receive homework assignments to be completed during the weeks when class is not scheduled.

6th-8th Grades 

Meet twice per month on Wednesday evenings. Students receive homework assignments to be completed during the weeks when class is not scheduled.

Confirmation (9th grade) 

Meets once per month on Sunday evenings in addition to weekly at-home studies, service and small group meetings. Catholic school students are required to register for religious education classes during 9th grade as all students in the Diocese prepare and celebrate sacraments with their parish.

Weather Cancellations: Parents will receive a message via Flocknote. Cancellations will also be announced on KCRG by 5 p.m. 

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