8100 Roncalli Dr.
Cedar Rapids, IA 52404
Phone: 319-846-3139Fax: 319-846-3159
8100 Roncalli Dr. SW
Parish Novena to St. Joseph
Surrender to the Will of God Novena
Novena to Mary Undoer or Knots
Novena for the Faithful Departed
Novena of Thanksgiving
Novena for Mental Health (St. Dymphna)
Novena of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Novena for the New Evangelization
Novena for Corpus Christi Cenacle
Novena for Healing
Novena for Peace & Unity
We, the parishioners of St. John XXIII, commit to be disciples of Jesus through prayer, worship, study and service.
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