Saturday | 4 pm
Sunday | 8 am & 10 am
Children's Liturgy of the Word 2nd Sunday of the month at the 8 am Mass
Mon, Wed & Thurs 8 am
Friday | 12:15 pm
Mon, Wed & Th | 7-7:45 am
Friday | 11:30 am - noon
Saturday | 2:30-3:45 pm
Sunday | 7-7:45 am
Tuesday | 8 am - 7 pm
Thanksgiving Mass Schedule
7-7:45 am, Reconciliation
8:00 am Mass
The Church Office will be closed on the 28th and 29th.
1. Eucharistic adoration
2. Lectio Divina (Bible sharing)
3. Rosary
4. Confession
5. Outreach to another group at your parish
6. Outreach to somebody/group outside the parish
7. Do something fun together
8. Day of testimony and reflection
(How did I receive Christ from others,
and how did I bring Christ to others?)
This Advent series for kids is just a few minutes a day. Journey through with Brother Francis and help your child learn about the meaning of Advent, and remember what this season is all about.
Visit FORMED for their Advent library. You will find the perfect one for you. Prepare the Way of the King with Dr. Scott Hahn is just one of the many to choose from.